
Collaborating With Indigenous Communities, Artists and Entrepreneurs

White Otter Consulting was founded in 2023 by Jaymie Campbell. After a culmination of 15 years of working in community development, being an artist and entrepreneur, the goal of starting WOC was to build a team of Indigenous community leaders, artists and land-based practitioners to provide services that hold culture and community at the forefront. We are driven by the desire to support artists and community-led ventures to navigate colonial systems so they can focus on making art, building community and supporting their families.

Empowering Indigenous Voices: Grant Writing, Project Development, and Community Engagement Services

  • We work with Indigenous artists and entrepreneurs to complete grant writing, project development, navigate funding and financing and identify opportunities.

  • We work with Indigenous communities and organizations on grant management, governance and policy development.

  • WOC also has extensive experience in agreement negotiations for consultation, economic development and protection of land.

  • We also offer business and strategic planning for small businesses and organizations, and do this in partnership with KLB Consulting.

  • Facilitate community consultations, engagement processes, and collaborative planning sessions to ensure that community voices are heard and respected throughout the decision-making process.

  • Provide guidance and support to community members in identifying and articulating their goals, developing action plans, and accessing resources to achieve their objectives.

  • Our team of Indigenous women consultants strive to integrate traditional knowledge, cultural practices, and community values into our capacity-building initiatives.

  • Create opportunities for Indigenous artists, entrepreneurs, and community members to showcase their talents, preserve their culture, and contribute to a more inclusive landscape.

  • Ensuring that our work is grounded in mutual respect, reciprocity, and empowerment.

  • Towards building stronger, more resilient communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Who We Work With

We work primarily with Indigenous artists, small businesses and communities. Our goal is to provide grant writing, organizational development and capacity-building support to reduce traditional barriers such as access, capacity and capital.

Our grant writers and advisors are also community members, artists and harvesters themselves and that is what makes us unique. We strive to ensure your voice is captured accurately and in culturally appropriate ways.

Each member of our team is not only skilled professionals but also a valued community member, artists and/or land-based practitioner in their own right. This unique blend of roles and experiences allows us to approach our work with a level of understanding and empathy that goes beyond traditional consultancy services. We are not just helping organizations secure funding; we are actively invested in the well-being and success of our communities. By combining our professional expertise with our personal connections and passions, we are able to offer a holistic and authentic approach and connection to the communities we serve.